WTA Veterinary Consultants, OH

Description of Elective Experience

WTA Veterinary Consultants is a veterinary-specific consulting firm that provides practice management, practice valuation, employee development and 
acquisition services to independently-owned companion animal and equine practices and veterinary teaching hospitals throughout the United
States. We co-author the annual Benchmarks Well-Managed Practice® Study, a valued guide for practices that continues to raise the bar on their
patient care, client service, and financial performance.

Institutional and Educational Resources - staffing, equipment, etc.
  • Library of management and valuation books by noted authors in the veterinary
    industry and outside the industry. Our library includes the Benchmarks Well-Managed Practice® Studies.
  • Management tools developed by WTA Veterinary Consultants used by veterinary practices across the U.S.
  • Discussion outlines developed by WTA Veterinary Consultants to be used as a reference for new employees and in our client conferences.
Student Responsibilities - what is expected of students in terms of hours, days of the week, shadowing or actual support?

This externship provides an opportunity for students to learn more about the business side of the veterinary profession including management and
valuation analysis, fee analysis, compensation and benefits, marketing, hiring and educating staff members, ownership transition, and exit
strategies. The extern will work with Denise Tumblin, CPA, President, and Doug Long, Financial Analyst and will be directly involved with client engagements in progress at the time of the externship.

The hours of work will be 8:30 to 5:00 Monday through Friday, with a one-hour lunch break. 

Denise Tumblin
Contact email

3200 Riverside Drive
Columbus, OH 43221
United States

Is student housing available?
Global engagement opportunity
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