Western Carolina Regional Animal Hospital - Veterinary Emergency Hospital, NC

Description of Elective Experience

Western Carolina Regional Animal HospitAL - Veterinary Emergency Hospital is an AAHA accredited and a Certified VECCS Level 2 Emergency - Critical Care hospital. We provide the student with as much hands on experience as cases allow. We stress the problem solving approach to diagnosis and therapy.  We challenge the student to think critically. We continually stress and coach on the fundamental principles of human relations and how to apply principles to client communications. 

Institutional and Educational Resources - staffing, equipment, etc.

Digital radiography / endoscopy / ultrasound / complete Idexx blood diagnostic machines / library as required by AAHA and the VECCS certification / VIN / access to specialists that come to the hospital for adsvanced surgeries and referral ultrasounds. 

Referral hospital: Upstate Veterinary Specialists - Greenville SC - 45 minutes away. 

Veterinary experience: eight general practioners with between 30 years and 2 years experience.  

Student Responsibilities - what is expected of students in terms of hours, days of the week, shadowing or actual support?

Student expectations: 1) be at work on time 2) treat staff and clients alike with the utmost dignity and respect 3) pitch in to help nurses and DVMs 4) be willing to work late 5) ask questions - the only stupid question is one that goes unasked 6) everybody cleans 7) think!

Schedule: 1st week - day time primary practice / 7:45am -> 6pm. 2nd week - ER practice - 5:45pm -> whever cases stop coming in (12am earliest time off shift). 3rd week - combitantion day and ER hours 2pm -> 10pm (or later if caes demand). Weekends free. 

Actual support - hands on work - for 4th year students.

Student Housing (include costs, amenities, pet friendly, contact info if different from elective contact info)

Efficiency appartments and rental rooms available in the Hendersonville and Flat Rock, North Carolina areas. 

Ted Owen, DVM
Contact email

205 North Highland Lake Road
Flak Rock, NC 28731
United States

Animal Type
Practice or Institution Type
Is student housing available?
Hours of supervision by a licensed veterinarian per week
40 to 50 hours / week
Global engagement opportunity
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