Veterinary Specialty Hospital - San Diego, CA

Description of Elective Experience

Externship Description:
Current veterinary students may rotate with our radiation oncology service as part of their clinical year. Externs
will shadow the radiation oncologists (Drs. Stevens and Yeh) and any interns/residents on the service during all
aspects of their cases. This would include history taking, examinations, diagnostics, and treatments. While externs
are not the ‘primary’ on the case, they are encouraged to be involved and actively participate in each case, as well
as participation in the discussion of plans and recommendations for each case. Additional responsibilities may
include assistance in performing physical exams, writing SOAPs, call backs for previous cases/client questions,
and assisting with diagnostics, treatment, and patient care.

Externship learning goals:
• Become confident in history taking and strengthen client communication/interactions
• Hone your knowledge on cancer types, species differences, treatment options, and outcomes
• Familiarize yourself with and understanding important diagnostics: CT, MRI, x-rays, blood work,
cytology/biopsy reports
• Using pattern recognition and using history to aide in formulating a list of plausible differential diagnoses,
followed by an appropriate work up to arrive at a more definitive diagnosis, and formulation of a plan for
• Familiarize yourself with the difference between using palliative & definitive treatments as well as
associated radiation side effects.
• Most importantly, have fun learning about radiation oncology

Institutional and Educational Resources - staffing, equipment, etc.

About Veterinary Specialty Hospital

The Veterinary Specialty Hospital is located in a state-of-the-art three story, 28,000 square foot facility. Specialty equipment includes several videoendoscopes, bronchoscopes, laparoscopes, two digital radiology units, on-site MRI and CT scanners, linear accelerator, fluoroscopy unit, three ultrasound machines with color and power Doppler capability, electrodiagnostic unit, cardiac telemetry units, Holter monitor, cardiac event monitor, ventilator, operating microscope, diode laser, CO2 laser, phacoemulsification unit, an onsite blood bank, and a full service 24-hour emergency and critical care service. Each of the six operating rooms is equipped with a multifunction bed-side monitor with capabilities for arterial blood pressure monitoring, pulse oximetry, capnography and ECG. 

Our staff consists of 40+ specialists and ER clinicians, a robust nursing team over 100 strong including 65 RVTs, 35+ client care specialists and department liaisons,  and fully staffed veterinary pharmacy headed by a clinical pharmacologist.

The University of California Veterinary Medical Center – San Diego (UCVMC-SD) is located in our facility led by two internists. UCVMC-SD offers a nephrology/urology/hemodialysis service and has two cardiologists on staff. The VSH doctors work closely with the UCVMC-SD doctors.

Student Responsibilities - what is expected of students in terms of hours, days of the week, shadowing or actual support?

Schedule: Rotations are typically 1-4 weeks in duration (depending on veterinary school and student choice).
Rotations are 5 days per week in the Sorrento Valley hospital only. Externs are expected to arrive no later than 8
am (unless otherwise discussed) to help with SOAPs, treatments, and rounds. We recommend bringing your lunch
and snacks with you as there are no food options nearby.
Extern Responsibilities:
1. The extern should arrive by 8:00 am (on the first day and thereafter) but may need to arrive earlier to read
through the records for the new consults and previous history on the rechecks. We may ask you to
summarize the history, previous diagnostics, and medications.
2. We do not tend to have inpatients but do require patient morning SOAPs

3. New consultation appointments: The extern may join the technicians while they are rooming the patient to
help facilitate the vitals as well as obtain the history from the owner. The extern and technician will round the case to
the radiation oncologist. The extern will join the radiation oncologist with the owners in the new consult as well as
follow that patient through any treatment or diagnostics that may be required.
4. Recheck appointments: The extern can help room the patient with the technicians, record the vitals, and
obtain an up-to-date history. Once comfortable with intake of the recheck appointments, the extern will be
asked to help with getting these appointments started and updating history. The extern will join the radiation
oncologist in the re-check appointments with the owner.
5. Client communication: Externs, once comfortable, will be asked to obtain history and other information
from clients as above, may be asked to call clients with laboratory results, call for updates on certain
patients, call to address any concerns or issues that arise (with the guidance of the radiation oncologist).
6. Didactics: Externs are required to attend house officer lectures typically held on Wednesdays from 7:30 –
8:30 am as well as radiology rounds. Days and times may vary, an updated schedule can be provided once
the extern arrives for the rotation. Hospital wide rounds typically occur daily from 8:30-9:00 am and are
also encouraged.
7. Journal club, histopathology, etc.: The extern can participate in any oncology specific didactics that may
occur while on rotation.
8. Attire: Either business casual or scrubs are allowed. Close toed shoes are mandatory. White coats are
completely optional, but you are


Audrey Stevens, DVM, DACVR
Contact email

10435 Sorrento Valley Rd
San Diego, CA 92121
United States

Practice or Institution Type
Is student housing available?
Hours of supervision by a licensed veterinarian per week
Global engagement opportunity
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