Veterinary Business Advisors, Inc., NJ

Description of Elective Experience

The externship is a 3-4 week hands-on opportunity for 3rd and 4th year veterinary students to work with Dr. Charlotte Lacroix on issues affecting veterinary medicine, including analysis of emerging business and legal issues, employer/employee contract negotiations, the buying and selling of veterinary practices, and the relationship between practice owners.  Whether you are considering attending law or business school in the future, hope to learn more about running a successful practice or simply want to learn more about the challenges confronting the veterinary profession, your externship will broaden your view of veterinary medicine, the business, commercial, legal and ethical concerns it must address, and teach you about the practical “business” of being a veterinarian.

Veterinary Business Advisors, Inc is committed to teaching and strives to involve students and promote their participation in an interesting, diverse, and eye-opening practical learning opportunity. In addition to receiving unique exposure to the business and legal aspects of the veterinary profession, you will be provided with a free room, board and parking, and depending on your school, you may also receive credits for this externship.


Institutional and Educational Resources - staffing, equipment, etc.



*Computer databases, etc

Student Responsibilities - what is expected of students in terms of hours, days of the week, shadowing or actual support?

During your externship, you will participate in conferences with clients and learn first-hand the concerns faced by practice owners and their employees. You will analyze employment agreements and learn what makes a fair deal as well as what you, as a prospective employer or employee, will want to consider in your own contracts. Listening to clients and assisting with the drafting of new agreements, settlements, and legal communications, will offer you practical insight into how contract failures and disputes occur and how to resolve them. You may participate in practice purchase and sale negotiations, learning how practice sales are financed and conducted--it’s a lot more than just signing on a dotted line--and how to structure relationships among owners in practice buy-ins. You will gain valuable concrete experience as to what makes a successful veterinary practice and how to improve it, whether by increasing earnings, revamping compensation and/or profits, improving employee morale, leveraging staff, or achieving a higher quality of medicine. You will research emerging legal and ethical issues, evaluate how they may impact veterinarians and how you can influence the future of veterinary medicine.

Besides working closely with Dr. Lacroix, you will research and write about a topic that interests you (recent projects have included:  preparing for natural disaster, vaccine liability, electronic medical records, business ethics and profit-making, the emergence of holistic veterinary medicine, competing with internet pharmacies and pet guardianship vs. pet ownership).  Depending on the length of your externship, you may write an article suitable for publication in a veterinary journal and develop a Power Point presentation.

Student Housing (include costs, amenities, pet friendly, contact info if different from elective contact info)

Room, board and free parking

Externs will work closely with Dr. Charlotte Lacroix;

1 Washington Drive
Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889
United States

Practice or Institution Type
Is student housing available?
Hours of supervision by a licensed veterinarian per week
Global engagement opportunity
Related evaluations