VERGI 24/7 Emergency and Critical Care Hospital, TX

Description of Elective Experience

We are a 24/7 emergency and critical care hospital practicing top quality medicine and client service.  Our externs are treated in the same manner as 4th year students in school.  They are given primary case responsibility for a new patient and expected to work it up properly.  This is done one on one with the help of a mentor doctor on shift every shift.  We encourage learning and critical thinking through experience.  The extern will have exposure to all types of cases, including but not limited to intense medicine cases, trauma cases, triages, multiple types of surgeries as well as the simple outpatient cases.

Institutional and Educational Resources - staffing, equipment, etc.

Fully staffed 24/7 with ER trained doctors and licensed technicians.   Complete inhouse lab including Catalyst, ProcyteDX, Coags, COP machine, digital radiography, US, laser, computerized medical records, multi-parameter monitoring, telemetry, plasma, PRBCs, whole blood, fully equiped surgery suite, endoscopy.

Student Responsibilities - what is expected of students in terms of hours, days of the week, shadowing or actual support?

Students will work 12 hour shifts along side the ER doctor.  Since we are open 24/7, the shift could be day or overnight.  Typically, 3 shifts will be worked a week. There will also be one day a week where the student will meet with their mentor doctor to discuss cases.  The student will be fully mentored and given as much exposure to being a veterinarian as possible.

Michael Seely
Contact email

8921 Katy Freeway
United States

Animal Type
Practice or Institution Type
Is student housing available?
Hours of supervision by a licensed veterinarian per week
Global engagement opportunity
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