Externs participate in morning Clinic Rounds, review our Radiographic Teaching file of approximately 200 cases (thoracic, abdominal, skeletal, and special studies), learn basic abdominal ultrasound, participate in weekly Journal club and Radiographic Case of the Week, as well as review/observe radiographic, ultrasonographic, and CT cases within out hospital.
Jean Reichle, DVM MS DACVR; Julia Fox, DVM, Diagnostic Imaging Intern; Dory Meraz, Diagnostic Imaging Intern
GE Logiq 10 Ultrasound, GE BrightSpeed 16 slice helical scanner, two digital radiogrpaphy systems, WoofWare clinical records, SmartPACS
7am-5pm M-F
Supervised by staff above
1535 s sepulveda blvd
United States