The student will participate in a number of tasks with USDA-APHIS in Senegal and surrounding countries, including but not limited to 24 West and Central African countries, in order to gain an appreciation for the USDA-APHIS mission abroad. These include: tsetse fly eradication, veterinary laboratory diagnostic capacity building, meeting with local cattle associations, review of the Global Health Security Agenda, and more. The student will also gain greater understanding regarding the impacts of animal disease on trade. Depending on funding, the student will participate in an avian influenza cross-border workshop between Mauritania and Senegal. While in U.S. Embassy-Dakar, the student will network with international members of the CDC, USAID, and Department of State. Knowledge of production diseases, zoonoses, and effective communication skills will be required for a successful elective experience.
Student will have access to resources such as printers, internet, and phone lines while stationed in Dakar. When the student travels outside of Dakar, utilization of cell phones will be required. Equipment necessary to complete the educational objectives of the elective will be provided. Supervising mentor will provide professional support throughout the externship in the form of weekly assignments and availability to answer questions and provide guidance in a reasonable timeframe.
Student will be required to accommodate her/his schedule according to the needs of the project. This might include working weekends, but a M-F workweek is standard. The work week will not be less than 40 hours, and a longer work week is possible; this is understood and accepted by the student. As this is a public agency, night shifts are unlikely, but if assignments need completion outside of standard work hours, student participation is expected.
B.P. 49, Route des Almadies
00000 Dakar