We are a 7 doctor practice with a 50% small animal and 50% large animal component. We are a very busy practice that does small animal medicine, emergency, soft tissue and orthopedic surgery. We also do a small amount of exotics and equine.Our large animal mainly involves cow-calf and includes ambulatory calls, herd helth protocols, BSE, soft tissue surgery, calvings/C-Sections, routine herdwork etc.
7 doctors, 10 experinced staff, CBC, chemistry, digital radiology, vitals monitoring for surgery, gas anesthesia, ultrasound, endoscopy, high-end microscope. Large animal has 5 Silencer chutes, hydraulic alley ways, heated c-section area, unmatched haul in facilities.
Monday-Friday and if students want to work the half day on Saturday that is up to them. Our goal is to get you exposed to as much as possible and for you to pick what you want to do as far as clinical experience. We have enough doctors and enough clientele coming in at all times that you can choose herdwork or small animal at any moment.
Free housing and food is provided most evenings.
BELOIT, KS 67420
United States