Small animal medical/surgical practice with emphasis on Point of Care Ultrasound. General Practice with busy surgical case load. Equine reproduction practice with emphasis on broodmare management and development of a frozen semen breeding program. Some stallion work. Student will be expected to participate in all aspects of practice including physical exams, diagnostic plans, surgical assistance, treatments, record keeping in both practice settings.
One doctor practice with 5 support staff in clinc. One doctor with 3 support staff on farm/equine practice.
Student responsibilities will be considerable under direct supervision of veterinarian. Student will be expected to discuss and perform all procedures of routine veterinary practice with some exceptions. Student will be expected to develop and present appropriate treatment plans with required record keeping and client communication. Student will also be involved with financial aspects of practice including inventory, staffing, pricing of services/products etc. Student will also be exposed to the positive mental health strategies our practice employs to keep moving in a positive and healthy direction.
41743 Crestview Rd
N. Ellsworth Ave.
Leetonia, OH 44431
United States