Providence Animal Center, PA

Description of Elective Experience

Students will be able to gain insight into the daily functions of a shelter veterinarian, including diagnosis and treatment of illness, preventative care, and herd health discussions and decisions.  Additionally, students spend a significant amount of time working in the high volume spay and neuter clinic.

Institutional and Educational Resources - staffing, equipment, etc.

Student would work under the guidance of shelter veterinarians on a daily basis.  Tasks include performing surgeries on shelter animals, assessing the health status of shelter animals upon intake, examining and devising treatment plans for sick animals within the shelter.

Student Responsibilities - what is expected of students in terms of hours, days of the week, shadowing or actual support?

This rotation is a 40 hour rotation, Monday through Friday.  This is a hands-on experience, with most students averaging 60 sugeries over the 2 week period.

Kimberly Boudwin VMD

555 Sandy Bank Road
Media, PA 19063
United States

Animal Type
Is student housing available?
Hours of supervision by a licensed veterinarian per week
Global engagement opportunity
Related evaluations