Prospect Veterinary Hospital, CT

Description of Elective Experience

Student will be observing surgical procedures, dentistry cleanings & extractions, and a variety of diagnostic procedures. She obviously will also observe appointments throughout her stay here. 

Institutional and Educational Resources - staffing, equipment, etc.

She will have our technical staff and 3 doctors that will be available for questions and discussion. 

Student Responsibilities - what is expected of students in terms of hours, days of the week, shadowing or actual support?

She will be here for 2 weeks approximately 40 hours per week . Schedule will be determined at later date. She will be able and expected to provide actual support to technical and doctor staff. 

Dr Rich Gruszka
Contact email

93 Waterbury Road
Prospect, CT 06712
United States

Practice or Institution Type
Is student housing available?
Hours of supervision by a licensed veterinarian per week
Global engagement opportunity
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