We are a 24/7 full service referral hospital with ambulatory service and reproduction center. This together with the number of cases seen each day and the knowledge and expertise of the veterinarians provide a strong learning environment. The hospital is staff boarded in surgery, sports medicine and rehabilitation and internal medicine, and has an inpatient caseload of approximately 1750 patients annually.
The hospital provides for orthopedic surgery, soft tissue surgery (including respiratory, urogenital, gastrointenstinal, and ophthalmic), emergency colics (both medical and surgical), neonatal intensive care, dystocias (including cesarean section or fetotomy), 14-hour intensive care with lab results for blood gas, chemistries and hematology, and 24-hour emergency service. It also provides medical workups of all kinds (including cardiac care and evaluation, ultrasonography, and electrocardiogram), lameness examinations, reproductive evaluations, radiography, gastric endoscopy, and a sports medicine barn with scintigraphy and under-tack dynamic scope.
Our ambulatory veterinarians have extensive experience in equine reproduction and training horses and we have the largest ambulatory fleet in the southeastern United States. Our Reproduction Center conducts all aspects of assisted reproduction at a separate 90-acre facility with the largest recipient mare herd in the southeastern United States. In addition to the general reproduction management of the stallion and mare, services include: embryo transfer, embryo freezing, oocyte transfer, ICSI, semen collection and shipment.
Associate Veterinarians and special expertise available
Educational Resources
Students are primarily here to observe, but some hands-on will be available.
Student Supervision
We provide free accommodation in two fully furnished houses with laundry facilities. Bed linens, towels, etc are provided. There is a strict no pet policy.
4747 SW 60th Avenue
Ocala, FL 34474
United States