Cow – Calf Herd Health Program – conception to marketing Heifer development Breeding Soundness – cows & bulls Ultra-sound pregnancy diagnosis Calving Fluid therapy regimes in scouring calves Pasture management Rotational grazing Preconditioning Weaning and Backgrounding calves Profit-Loss analysis of the cow-calf enterprise Feedlot Procurement history of calves entering feedlot Cattle identification programs Diagnostic intervention – parasites, PI-BVD, BRD Vaccination programs Carcass Ultrasound evaluation Starting cattle on feed Calculating breakeven projections How to handle a “wreck”. Beef Quality Assurance Equine Preventative Vaccination Program Soundness evaluation Radiographic analysis of lameness Ultrasound pregnancy diagnosis Managing the BLM wild horse program Foot care and corrective horse shoeing. Small Animal How a Large Animal Practice incorporates small animal services for their clients.
Our practice employs 6 Doctors and has 14 employees. We have a dedicated Equine room with dental equipment and stocks, a Flying W chute to work cattle indoors, 3 portable Silencer chutes to work cattle at our clients facilities, and a surgical suite with Digital Radiography at the clinic.
The student is expected to work Monday-Friday 8am-5:30pm and assist with Saturday at the clinic from 8am-noon. The student will shadow until they are comfortable performing duties with guidance from our Doctor's.
Our student housing is not pet friendly and is free.
75348 Road 400
Lexington, NE 68850
United States