Sheep and Goat Elective. This is a two week elective for 4th year Veterinary Students that is held in February annually. This course is intensive and largely hands on work with sheep and goats. This course includes lectures and field trips to various goat and sheep farms. Students work with a large number of client animals for ultrasounds, disbuddings, dehornings and castrations. There are in house wetlabs at the University at Corvallis as well as in the field procedures and labs. Lectures are from professors and guest lecturers.
Taught by:
Erica McKenzie BSc, BVMS, PhD.
Dip. ACVIM, Diplomate American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation
Professor of Large Animal Internal Medicine
Oregon State University
Joseph J. Klopfenstein, DVM DABVP (Dairy)
Assistant Professor, Rural Veterinary Practice
Oregon State University
College of Veterinary Medicine
With the resources of the Oregon State University.
A schedule is made up for the two week block, and includes the dates and times for the lectures, field trips, and wetlabs. Students are expected to participate from 8am to 5pm on weekdays during the rotation.
Arrangements can be made for students taking the elective to stay with veterinary students who are also taking the elective.
221 Magruder Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States