Mountain Veterinary Hospital is a full service small animal practice providing conventional medical and surgical treatment for dogs and cats as well as physical therapy, rehabilitation, and alternative medicine.
Alternative medicine includes acupuncture, stem cell/platelet rich plasma therapy, and Chinese herbal medicine. We have an underwater treadmill, two Class IV lasers, in house chemisrtry, digital radiography and ultrasound. We also work with the local humane society to provide free surgical services for fractures and other complicated surgical cases on adoptable homeless pets.
We have three doctors on staff currently, planning on a 4th soon. Our doctors and staff work collaboratively. Two of our doctors are graduates of the Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine and have Master’s degrees in education. There is an emphasis on continuing education and staff training, so you can expect extensive mentoring and possible surgical opportunities.
Free housing is available during your stay.
Bellingham is a small city with access to ocean and mountains near Vancouver, BC and 90 miles north of Seattle. Visit our website at . If interested in doing your externship with us, please contact us at (360) 592-5113 or email
The student can expect significant support during the offsite elective. Two of our doctors have more than thirty years in private practice, plus have Master’s degrees in education. We are able to tailor the externship to the level of the student. Because we have a very eclectic case load, ranging from simple wellness exams and vaccinations to complex surgical and medical cases, the student can expect an extensive and interesting clinical experience.
We are open Monday through Saturday with no evening appointments. Hours are flexible and open for discussion.
A furnished house is available at no charge. We are able to provide transportation to and from work.
3413 Mt. Baker Highway
Bellingham, WA 98226
United States