Morgan Equine Surgery, KY

Description of Elective Experience

Extensive Lameness work in the TB racehorse and elective surgical procedures 

Institutional and Educational Resources - staffing, equipment, etc.

2 doctor practice with multiple technician help.  Digital radiography and ultrasound, video and dynamic endoscopy, Prostride, ESWT, lab machinery.  Surgical equipment for arthroscopy and airway surgery.

Student Responsibilities - what is expected of students in terms of hours, days of the week, shadowing or actual support?

6-7 days a week and usually 8-10 hour days.  Some hands on work and some shadowing

Student Housing (include costs, amenities, pet friendly, contact info if different from elective contact info)

No costs, no pets.

Joseph W. Morgan
Contact email

5366 Leestown Rd
Lexington, KY 40511
United States

Animal Type
Practice or Institution Type
Is student housing available?
Hours of supervision by a licensed veterinarian per week
At all times
Global engagement opportunity
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