Metropolitan Veterinary Emergency, KY

Description of Elective Experience

Metropolitan Veterinary Emergency Services is offering a clinical externship for students in Years 3 and 4. Students will gain experience in the following
‣ Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
‣ Point of Care Ultrasound (AFAST/TFAST/GFAST)
observation and usage.
‣ Emergency Procedure observations and
depending on student level, hands on
‣ Case management with various specialists
including a boarded Criticalist, Internist,
Neurologist, Dermatologist, and Surgeons.
Additionally clinicians with practice limited to of
Ophthalmology and Dental care.
‣ Strengthen physical examination skills, diagnosis
and treatment of common ER presentations

• Depending on school clinical setup, externships
can be considered in 2 week blocks on
a first come, first serve basis.

• Shift timings will vary based on ER staffing and
externship coordinator. Students will
work with externship coordinator to
meet requirements of university and
personal goals.

• We are located in Louisville, KY. Known for
bourbon, horses, and bluegrass,
Louisville is home to a very lively
nightlife and food scene. For more
information visit

• Contact or the
clinic directly, asking for Dr. Marshall at

Institutional and Educational Resources - staffing, equipment, etc.



-Multiple Ultrasounds

-Full technical staff

-Surgical, Dental, Dentistry, Neurology, Internal Medicine, Criticalist 

Student Responsibilities - what is expected of students in terms of hours, days of the week, shadowing or actual support?

Based on goals established between student and externship coordinator at beginning of externship

Student Housing (include costs, amenities, pet friendly, contact info if different from elective contact info)

Direct Housing provided from the clinic is not available. On a case by case basis a spare room is available with the externship coordinator 

Taylor Marshall
Contact email

11800 Capital Way
Louisville, KY 40299
United States

Animal Type
Practice or Institution Type
Is student housing available?
Hours of supervision by a licensed veterinarian per week
Global engagement opportunity
Related evaluations