Companion Avian medicine and surgery, including Psitticine birds (Parrots and parrot related), backyard poultry and waterfowl comprises 40-50% of the caseload. Exotic Companion Mammals (ECM - Rabbits, Ferrets, Guinea pigs, rodents, hedgehogs and sugar gliders) comprise 40-50%, with reptiles as the remaining 10%. Scheduled appointments are seen Monday-Saturday (1/2 day Saturday). Dr. Barbara Oglesbee (ABVP-Avian) is typically scheduled M, W, F. Dr. Amada Steinagel and Dr. Andrea Blair are schdeuled full time. Additionally, Avian and Exotic Pets are regularly presented through our Emergency service, and typically comprise approximately 1/3 of the emergency case load (24/7). Also on premise in the Hilliard location is a Board Certified Surgeon (ACVS) and Internist (ACVIM), both of which are available for Avian and Exotic Support.
Three full time Avian & Exotic technicians, along with emergency and patient care technicians are available. Imaging equipment includes digital radiology (all radiographs are reviewed by radiologists), ultrasound and CT scanning. Diagnostic endoscopy is performed in-house. Patients requiring specialties such as Cardiology, Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Ophthalmology and Neurology are transported to MedVet Columbus, and typically accompanied by the attending veterinarian and/or technician and student when avialable. A full library of all recent textbooks and journals relating to companion exotics/avian are availble for student use.
Students will be expected to partipate weekdays M, W, Th, F from 8:00 am until all casload activity is completed (last appointment is at 4:00 pm), Tuesdays from 11:00 am- 8:00 pm, and Saturdays from 9:00-3:00pm. Students are welcome to volunteer for any additonal emergency hours.
5230 Renner Rd.
Hilliard, OH 53228
United States