Lincoln Park Zoo, IL

Description of Elective Experience

Preceptors in this eight week (US) or 10-12 week (international) program will receive clinical training in captive zoological medicine, including amphibians, birds, fish, mammals (marine and terrestrial), reptiles, and invertebrates.  The program is designed in compliance with the mentorship and training requirements of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians (AAZV) Education Committee for a preceptorship.


Successful completion of the preceptorship will provide the student:

  • Mentorship with ACZM and ECZM (ZHM) Diplomates.
  • Involvement in the medical, diagnostic, surgical, and therapeutic management of the collection in a nationally recognized zoological and aquarium facility (American Zoo and Aquarium Association).
  • Participation in remote drug delivery, clinical pharmacologic protocol design, radiograph positioning, sample collection, venipuncture/catheter placement, anesthetic monitoring and endotracheal tube placement, gross necropsy protocols, and other clinical procedures as assigned.
  • Understanding of husbandry and nutrition specific to each taxa within the collection.
  • Knowledge of anatomy, parasitology, pathology, physiology, pharmacology, preventive medicine, taxonomy, and toxicology within zoological and aquarium facilities.
  • Experience in preparation and presentation of professional topics in captive zoological medicine through journal reviews, keeper and staff discussions, case report, and in-house seminars.
  • Standardized record keeping by computerized system, current with the zoo community standards.
  • Appropriate time to complete clinical investigation, literature reviews, and project preparation.



Institutional and Educational Resources - staffing, equipment, etc.

Director of Veterinary Services

Kathryn Gamble DVM, MS, Dipl. ACZM, Dip. ECZM (ZHM)

Associate Veterinarian

Kate A Gustavsen PhD, DVM, Dipl. ACZM


Karen Terio DVM, PhD, Dipl ACVP (chief)

Kathleen Colegrove DVM, PhD Dipl ACVP

Martha Delaney DVM, Dipl ACVP

Mike Kinsel DVM, Dipl ACVP

Jaime Landolfi DVM, Dipl ACVP

Adjunct Facility Specialties

Animal Welfare

Behavior and Environmental Enrichment              


Population Biology                            

Urban Wildlife Management   

Departmental Staffing




   Technicians (CVT/RVT) 




   Nutrition keepers


   Registrar/records support


   Administrative support


   Hospital keeper



David Bernier MNPA

Dan Boehm (small mammals, reptiles, hoofed animals)

Jill Moyse MNPA (primates)

Michael Murray (mammals – marine, carnivores, megavertebrate)

Sudona Nelson MS (birds)


MedVet Chicago external partner providing services*; additional consultants indicated



Anesthesic machine

Isoflurane vaporizers on portable machines (5), including 1 large animal; Demand valve (Zubinator 2021)

Immobilization (remote)

Dan-inject, Telinject, Pneu-Dart (active use); Cap-chur (demonstration)


Adult medical mobile w/ probes (3); GE Phillips w/ cardiac (pediatric, adult, transesophageal), abdominal probes (4); IBEX portable ultrasound w/ abdominal, rectal probes (2)


Digital (CR) - table top, MinXray portable, mammography, MinXray dental hand-held


Rigid (Storz) – standard arthroscope (2020); Flexible (Storz) – 1 m flexible; 3 m flexible (2020); video monitor (Storz)


Pulse oximetry – standard and mouse; blood pressure, EKG, Doppler, capnography, blood gas (see clinical pathology), petMAP (2021); SurgiVets (2)


Radiocautery, CO2 laser


Ophthalmo-/otoscope, slit lamp, Tonopen, ultrasonic dental cleaning (2019); oxygen incubator chamber; EKG loop recorder reader; Bair Hugger; Heska fluid pump; power dental float

Computerized records

TRACKS; PACS; prescription label printer; transponder reader

Clinical pathology

Internal:  cytology; Alinity and VetScan chemistry; urinalysis; hematology; coliform culture.   External:  chemistry; serology, virology, cultures, molecular diagnostic laboratory (ZooPath Program – internal client)

Student Responsibilities - what is expected of students in terms of hours, days of the week, shadowing or actual support?

Students are expected to be engaged in the program Mon-Fri 8 hours/day; emergency and weekend procedures are possible.  Generally a 40-50 hour work week including clinical and didactic programming.


  • Active participation in clinical medicine at the institution during the program – including discussions on diagnostics, therapeutics, and husbandry.
  • Technical skills commensurate with experience in veterinary medicine.
  • Completion of a case report or research project in captive zoological or aquatic medicine.
  • Participation in institutional journal review sessions.
  • Completion of self-assessment modules: reproductive biology, parasitology, toxicology, radiology.
  • Maintenance of a daily activity log.
Student Housing (include costs, amenities, pet friendly, contact info if different from elective contact info)

However, there is a nearby hostel which has an agreement with the Zoo to economize the housing for students.  Mentor also investigates potential house-sitting or house sharing options with staff for the student.

Kathryn C. Gamble DVM, MS, Dipl ACZM, Dip ECZM (ZHM)
Contact email

2001 N Clark St
Chicago, IL 60614
United States

Is student housing available?
Hours of supervision by a licensed veterinarian per week
Entire program one of the staff veterinarians or resident is available for student; we cover 24 hours/7 days
Global engagement opportunity
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