Lifetime Pet Wellness Center, OH

Description of Elective Experience


  • The VSI can run appointments with supervision. 
  • Cases that Senior Veterinary Student Intern (VSI) may manage will approved by the veterinarian on the case. 
  • The Client will be informed by reception that the VSI will be playing a role in the case.
  • Very complex or time-consuming cases may be better run by the Veterinarian, with secondary involvement from the Senior Veterinary Student Intern.
  • Difficult clients may be better managed by the Veterinarian.
  • To save time, the VSI will perform the intake history in place of the assistant. 
  • The VSI will then perform a complete 16-point examination with the Veterinarian.
  • The Veterinarian on the case and the VSI will discuss the case in private and then the VSI will present the plan to the owner with the Veterinarian present. 
  • The VSI will record full history and invoice products as needed. 
  • The supervising Veterinarian will be the doctor listed as the provider.  The Veterinarian will approve the SOAP language for accuracy and completeness. 
  • The VSI does not receive compensation for internship hours worked. 


  • The VSI can perform minor surgeries with supervision at the discretion of the veterinarian. 
  • Ability to involved in surgeries will be based upon the student’s surgical skill level and the safety of the patient.  It is possible that the student may not have appropriate skills to safely participate in procedures.
  • VSI may be involved in certain aspects of surgery or the entire case from start to discharge (i.e.- may be asked to evaluate an anesthetic protocol and medical protocol, help with prepping, performing the surgery, performing closure of the surgery, assist with recovery if needed, and/or assist in discharging the patient to the owner, or just individual parts of this).
  • Anesthetic program will be approved by the Veterinarian on the case.
  • All surgical procedures will be discussed prior to the actual surgery with the Veterinarian. 
  • The Veterinarian will be present at all times during the surgery.
  • The client will have been given full disclosure that a VSI will be involved in part or all of the surgical case under strict supervision. 
  • A waiver will be signed by the client prior to the surgery or the VSI will not have permission to do any of the actual procedure.
Institutional and Educational Resources - staffing, equipment, etc.

Integrative Medicine

Student Responsibilities - what is expected of students in terms of hours, days of the week, shadowing or actual support?

The Year 4 Veterinary Student Intern (VSI) understands that she/he is a reflection of Lifetime Pet Wellness Center and must adhere to our 8 standards of practice as well as professional behavior and appearance.  VSIs who cannot adhere to these policies can be removed from the internship at any time so Lifetime Pet Wellness Center can maintain its good standing in the community and its exceptional patient care.

James Carlson

454 Lazelle Road
Columbus, OH 43240
United States

Animal Type
Practice or Institution Type
Is student housing available?
Global engagement opportunity
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