KKM Veterinary Clinic, OH

Description of Elective Experience

We are a small animal clinic that also specializes in exotics, as well.  We have 5 doctors that work at our facility.  We used Fear Free concepts when we designed our new facility to help create a less stressful experience for our patients.  Students will be able to experience a large variety of cases as well as surgeries.  The emphasis at our clinic is placed on client communication and partnering with our clients on care for their pets.  We focus on client education and working with them on helping to insure their pets receive quality care.  Our surgeries range from your typical procedures (growth removals, OVHs, neuters) to more complex procedures including some orthopedics.  Our doctors are supportive and work together to provide continuity of care between patients.  Our environment focuses on teamwork and working together. Students would have many opportunities to receive guidance and learn on a wide variety of topics of small animal veterinary clinic.   While we see exotics, it is not mandatory that a student participate in these cases; however, if there is an interest they are more than welcome to be a part of these cases. We do see emergencies during our normal business hours; however, they are referred out to emergency referral centers outside of our normal hours.  

Institutional and Educational Resources - staffing, equipment, etc.

We are fully modernized hospital:  ultrasound, digital x-ray, digital dental x-ray, surgical laser, therapy k-laser, and Avimark veterinary software.  We are new facility with 6 exam rooms, 2 euthanasia rooms, a large open treatment area, surgical suite, and technician room.  We have VIN available online in clinic for all doctors, as well as several textbook references.  We participate in Vetfolio online education system for all of our staff and have several videos and topics for all staff to be able to train on.  We have multiple doctors to train with and a strong support staff in place.  We offer not only veterinary care services, but behavioral training, grooming and boarding.   We have incorporated many Fear Free techniques into our clinic and behavioral health is just as important to us as physical health.  

Student Responsibilities - what is expected of students in terms of hours, days of the week, shadowing or actual support?

We are flexible on the hours and days of the week for student participation.  We are open Monday-Friday 8-6pm and Saturdays 8-1pm.  We offer the opportunity to shadow and gradually being more involved in actual support based on student's level of knowledge and comfort.  The more hours a student is available to participate allows for a wider variety of cases and surgeries for the student to be a part of.   We do not have a set expectation on specific days of the week or hours in a week.  Surgeries take every day Monday through Friday.  We would expect a student to split time between learning about the surgical procedures as well as seeing cases in the room with doctors.

Student Housing (include costs, amenities, pet friendly, contact info if different from elective contact info)

Students would be able to stay in a guest bedroom of multiple staff that work at the clinic.  If we are not at full capacity in our boarding facility, dogs may be able to stay at the clinic.  Any charges would be determined on length of stay.

Dr Jamie Greenstein
Contact email

6416 Manchester Rd
Franklin, OH 45040
United States

Animal Type
Practice or Institution Type
Is student housing available?
Hours of supervision by a licensed veterinarian per week
Global engagement opportunity
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