Juniper Large Animal, OR

Description of Elective Experience

The student will accompany the veterinarian/practice owner on calls on this mobile practice. Procedures will be explained and the student will with the procedures. Arms free ultrasound is used for routine reproductive and pregnancy exam. The student will be able to visualize ultrasound images and begin using the introducer probe. The practice work type is dependent upon the season. During all seasons there are beef and dairy reproductive exams. In the spring and early summer there is routine equine care. 

Institutional and Educational Resources - staffing, equipment, etc.

The clinic has one full time veterinarian and one registered veterinary technician. The equipment is used for field calls. We have semen testing electojac 6, Reproscan ultrasound, manual dental floats, and sterile surgery packs. Bloodwork and lab samples are shipped out to regional labs.  

Student Responsibilities - what is expected of students in terms of hours, days of the week, shadowing or actual support?

The student will work with the the veterinarian on the same schedule as the veterinarian. This is a 5 or 6 day work week. The hours are 8-12 hours of work daily. The student will do some support work and some supervised procedures. 

Student Housing (include costs, amenities, pet friendly, contact info if different from elective contact info)

The student will have access to a spare bedroom with the family of the veterinarian if she or he desires. Pet accommodations can be available.  Meals are provided. 

Chad Rabe, DVM
Contact email

Hwy 140 E
Dairy, OR 97625
United States

Animal Type
Practice or Institution Type
Is student housing available?
Hours of supervision by a licensed veterinarian per week
Global engagement opportunity
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