Veterinary student will ride with supervising veterinarian 4 days a week to scheduled farm visits. On those visits, the student will have the opportunity to interact with producers, collect all types of diagnostic samples, work up diagnostic cases, and make differential diagnosis lists. Student will have the opportunity to visit nucleus sow farms, multiplier sow farms, gilt multiplier nurseries and finishers, commercial sow farms and boar studs.
JBS veterinarians in Missouri, Iowa, and Illnois for additional ride along experiences.
Student will ride with with supervising vet 4 days a week to on farm visits. Generally Monday-Thursday on farm, with Fridays as office/ paperwork days. weekends are free. Student will be acutal support to all diagnostic cases, and is welcome to review all results submitted to diagnostic laboratories.
Free student housing at supervisor veterinarian's house. Guest bedroom and bathroom available.
104 South Boulder Ave.
Russellville, AR 72801
United States