Houston SPCA, TX

Description of Elective Experience

Students are schedule for a 2 week rotation in which they will work in the following departments:

1. Emergency/Triage - evaluating patients brought in through our 24hr Animal Ambulance Service, Animal Cruelty Cases brought in through our Investigations department, Foster Appointments, and In-hospital patients. This department has in-house blood work and urinalysis equipment, ultrasound, digital radiography, and endoscopy. 

2. Surgery - 90% spays/neuters, but may also include amputations, mass removals, enucleations, C-sections, and a host of other surgical procedures.

3. Pet Wellness Clinic - Preventive and minor urgent care for owned pets. Students will gain confidence and practice in client education and communication. 

4. Wildlife Center - intake, evaluation, and handling of native Texas wildlife with the ultimate goal of release back to the community.

5. Animal Cruelty and Investigations - Ride-a-long with one of our Animal Cruelty Investigators to gain an understanding of how cruelty cases are processed and prosecuted. May include the opportunity to observe resolution of the cases in court. 

6. Equine and Farm Animals - evaluating and treating equine and farm animals in our care. 

Institutional and Educational Resources - staffing, equipment, etc.

The Houston SPCA has 4 veterinarians, 25 veterinary technicians and/or assistants, and 30 animal care staff. We have in-house IDEXX Catalyst and Procyte machines as well as the SediVue urine analyzer, digital radiography, digital dental radiography, ultrasound, endoscopy.

Student Responsibilities - what is expected of students in terms of hours, days of the week, shadowing or actual support?

Students will have orientation on Day 1 - a Monday. Students will be scheduled in one of the 6 departments listed above on Tuesday-Saturday. Students will be off on Sunday. The second Monday-Friday students will continue to rotate through the 6 departments listed above. In general students spend 1-2 days in Emergency and Triage, 3 days in Surgery, 1 day in Wildlife, 1 day in Equine and Farm Animal, 1 day in Animal Cruelty and Investigations, and 2 days in the Pet Wellness Clinic. The days are approximately 8-9 hours. 


7007 Old Katy Rd.
Houston, TX 77024
United States

Is student housing available?
Hours of supervision by a licensed veterinarian per week
Global engagement opportunity
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