Harlingen Veterinary Clinic is a 6-doctor small animal and exotics general practice. Students will work with a variety of doctors to hone clinical skills in a variety of different species. Students will collect histories, perform physical exams, perform diagnostics/treatments, and client communication. Students will also have the opportunity to assist and perform surgeries under supervision. Students will also build skill in basic abdominal ultrasounds. Each rotation will be customized to the student to ensure that the rotation provides each student a unique experience. Students will be encouraged to take cases on as if they were the primary clinician to build confidence in practice.
The clinic provides access to a plethora of up to date veterinary texts for small animal, exotics, avian. The student will also have access to VIN and numerous resources for working through cases. The clinic has a solid ratio of CVT’s/Veterinary technicians to doctors allowing for plenty of support through appointments. The clinic is fully equipped with In House Lab machines/Radiographic imaging/Ultrasound
Students are responsible to work 35-40 hours per week with the veterinarians. The schedule may fluctuate based on staffing and the student’s specific interests. Students will be hands on for this rotation and so professionalism, drive and the desire to learn is a must.
Students can consider a local hotel/motel/Air B&B
10 Sunset Rd
Belle mead, NJ 08502
United States