Our practice is a high-end equine sports medicine practice, focusing on the whole horse and incorporating Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine acupuncture into treatment plans. We focus on excellent client communication and education while discussing diagnostics, treatment options and plans. Students will observe in-depth lameness exams, purchase exams, corresponding imaging and treatments. Depending on student ability, more hands-on experience may be available.
3 doctor practice (2 partners and an associate), 2 technicians, 1 office manager.
Digital radiography, ultrasound, shock wave equipment.
Days and hours of the week depend on time of year. Non-busy seasons (April, October, November, December) are Mon-Friday. Busy season typically 6 days a week. Students' responsibilities based on their abilities and horse skills. At minimum, shadowing; if showing excellent skills, horse handling and actual veterinary support will be allowed. We expect appropriate barn/profession attire and footwear.
We can help coordinate housing if needed. Cost and pet-friendly variable.
16 Mentelle Park
Lexington, KY 40502
United States