Students will be shadowing the doctors in the exam rooms and given the opportunity to take the lead during exams also. They can develop their own treatment plan with the input of the doctor on duty.
Students will be assisting with surgical procedures and allowed to perform surgeries under doctor supervision if time allows.
Students will be performing dental cleanings and extractions under doctor supervision.
We encourage students to perform jugular blood draws and place i.v. catheters.
We encourage any and all questions. We want our students to obtain real clinicl experience during their 2 weeks with us.
We have 2 full-time veterinarians on duty.
We have registered veterinary technicians on duty at all times.
We have digital x-ray, ultrasound, in-house blood machines (IDEXX) and a therapeutic Class IV Laser.
We have access to VIN and a large, up-to-date library.
Students will be expected to work M-F from 9AM-6PM. No Saturdays for the students.
We expect students to be active in their learning process by asking questions and performing hands-on exams including cytology.
We try to give students surgical experience while here, including OHE, castration and mass removals. Due to time constraints, sometimes they only get to perform half of a procedure.
Students can wear scrubs or casual business attire.
1109 W. Fifth Ave
United States