Farbest Foods is one of the largest turkey companies in the United States and a respected leader in the industry. We supply raw, fresh and frozen turkey products to brand-name value added further processors around the world.
Our total live production eclipses 600 million live pounds annually—all under closely monitored conditions. Farbest Foods turkeys are grown under stringent conditions, and our operations are approved by the National Poultry Improvement Plan—an agency dedicated to disease-free hatchery products through rigorous diagnostic technology. In addition, all of our Farbest flocks are tested for Avian Influenza before processing.
We have two processing plants, one located in Huntingburg, Indiana and the other in Vincennes, Indiana. Both feature the latest developments in automation, maintain the highest quality standards, and are recognized world-wide for their efficiencies of operation. In fact, our facility in Vincennes is the most advanced automated processing plant in the industry.
This operation works under stringent guidelines in overseeing the growth of nearly 15 million turkeys per year through more than 200 contract growers and an increasing number of brooder hubs in Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky.
More than 50 of Farbest Farms’ contract turkey growers and a number of new brooder hubs have been added to the Farbest Farms family in the past few years to meet the growing demand for our products. Computer-controlled, tunnel-ventilated grow-out houses ensure the best environment for our turkeys and assist in providing a consistent supply of healthy, live turkeys for processing at our two Farbest Foods processing plants.
The Farbest Farms team works to ensure that best care management practices are followed in every facet of the growing operations including farm safety and security, biosecurity, environmental management, and animal welfare.
Monday through Friday.
155 W 12th Ave
Jasper, IN 47546
United States