DEA enforces the provisions of the Controlled Substances Act as the Act pertains to the manufacture, distribution, and dispensing of legally produced controlled substances. Enforcement of applicable provisions is done through the scheduling of licit pharmaceuticals and registering of veterinarians, and other medical professionals, to allow them toreceive, dispense, and write prescriptions for scheduled pharmaceuticals. Regulatory decisions are made through the analysis of public health information, the impact on key partners, such a veterinarians, public input, and other variables.
This externship is with the Chief Data Officer of DEA and the Diversion Control Division, who manages the regulatory program for DEA. The externship provides practical experience on how DEA determines how specific drugs, such as Xylazine, are regulated and the impact of the regulation on veterinarians and other DEA Registrants. This externship will work with DEA staff to gain a better understanding of the analysis of public health information to make regulatory decisions and how decisions impact veterinarians and their daily work.
This externship will be a five day a week, 8.5 hours a day position and will include shadowing, data collection, data analysis, and presentation of findings to senior DEA officials on a variety of current regulatory and public health issues facing DEA.
700 Army Navy Dr.
Arlington, VA 22202
United States