Dr. Jo’s Pet Wellness & Acupuncture is an alternative specialty practice that focuses on wellness and preventative care in addition to treating illness and disease that have already been diagnosed. At Dr. Jo’s we use acupuncture, traditional Chinese herbals, homeopathy, nutrition and therapeutic laser to complement the care our patients receive at their traditional veterinarian. Our goal is to allow our patients to live their best life for as long as possible. Due to our size, we are able to provide quality, personal care to each one of our patients and clients. We do not offer traditional services for sick pets nor do we perform surgeries. We do see a small number of traditional patients for yearly or semi-annual wellness exams and services including vaccinations, heartworm testing and prevention, wellness and senior blood work, etc.
We have one full-time veterinarian and two-part time receptionists. We have a Companion CTX Class IV laser. Several textbooks are available to reference regarding Eastern Medicine, including Chinese herbs, acupuncture, food therapy and nutrition.
Our hours are as follows: Monday and Wednesday 8-6, Tuesday 8-3, Thursday 8-12 and Friday 8-5pm. We are open the third Saturday of every month from 8-11. There are no after hour duties. Students will be offered the opportunity to participate in tongue and pulse diagnosis as well as placing acupuncture needles under supervision and client support. Aquaacupuncture and electroacupuncture may be performed as well.
1470 W Main Street
Tipp City, OH 45371
United States