Douglassville Veterinary Hospital, PA

Description of Elective Experience

We are a small animal general practice.  We see only see dog & cats no exotics.  We can handle anything from wellness visits to urgent/ER stabilization.  Urgent care visits range from chronic conditions (ears/skin, growths, IBD, hyperthyroid, renal) to a acute conditions (seizures, lameness, V/D, neuro, Addisonion crisis, wounds, toxins) ER range from (lar par, hit by cars, FB, seizure, Lepto, Parvo, splenectomies, pyometra) we also perform abdominal ultrasounds and orthopedic procedures, other surgical cases are spays/neuters, enucleations, FB, gastropexy, GI biopsy, limb amps, Dentals procedures, lac repairs.

Institutional and Educational Resources - staffing, equipment, etc.

We have 5 full time doctors, 2 part time doctors, 5 CVT’s, and 8 Tech assistants.  We have a digital X-ray machine, digital dental radiology, Sound Ultrasound machine, in-house cbc and Chem machines, ekg/spo2/capnograph/NIBP/temp monitor, fluid pumps, oxygen cage, syringe pumps. 

Student Responsibilities - what is expected of students in terms of hours, days of the week, shadowing or actual support?

Students are expected to arrive on time and dressed in scrubs.  Hours wise we expect a total of 40hrs per week (shifts can be flexible if multiple 10-12hrs shifts or 5 8hrs shifts). Students are expected to assist with restraint, diagnostics, prescriptions as needed.  

Geoff DeWire
Contact email

105 Griffith dr
Douglassville, PA 19518
United States

Animal Type
Practice or Institution Type
Is student housing available?
Hours of supervision by a licensed veterinarian per week
All hours on site
Global engagement opportunity
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