Dog and Cat Dentist is a two-doctor specialty practice in Los Angeles, CA. We offer the full scope and range of veterinary dentistry and oral surgery services on both an inpatient and outpatient basis.
Students will have direct access to our two board-certified veterinary dentists, are welcome in the examination room with the doctors, and will assist in procedures/patient care when appropriate. Students with 4-week rotations on our Service will be expected to identify a topic of interest during their first week, prepare and present a 15-minute MS PowerPoint presentation to the clinic staff during the final week of the rotation.
Library, computer databases and rounds. We operate out of a multi-specialty center and there is ample opportunity for interaction with the other independently operated practices within the center: Veterinary Cancer Group, Eye Care for Animals, Animal Dermatology Clinic and ACCESS Los Angeles (Critical Care, Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Neurology and Surgery).
Medical records keeping will not be stressed on this externship. As mentioned above, this is primarily an observational externship, and not one where students will be performing procedures on patients. It is, however, one where the student will have direct access to our specialists, and when appropriate, assist in clinical procedures.
Student Supervision:
9599 Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232
United States