Dairy Health Services/MPS, Idaho

Description of Elective Experience

Progressive, production medicine type practice

- 100% dairy

- currently 2 veterinarians

- work with other solo dairy practitioners (Paul Biagiotti, Butch Cargile, Jon Hess, Clifford King, Craig Louder, Dean Lusk, and Claire Tousley) as well as nutritionist (Doug Minor)

- focusing on high quality, cutting-edge service for progressive dairymen

          - providing a wide range of veterinary services

                - routine reproductive                                                             - consultation

                - traditional medical, surgical, and emergency                          - mastitis control

                - milk quality laboratory                                                          - replacement rearing

                - employee training                                                                 - residue avoidance

               - pharmaceutical, biological, and supply sales                           - embryo transfer/IVF

Institutional and Educational Resources - staffing, equipment, etc.

Most veterinarians work with ultrasound, one does IVF a couple times/week.  One veterinarian works exclusively with a large (~30,000 head) calf ranch.  One veterinarian does nutrition routinely.  Two veterinarians have postgraduate training in Epidemiology (MPVM) and one veterinarian did a Production Medicine Residency in Dairy.

Student Responsibilities - what is expected of students in terms of hours, days of the week, shadowing or actual support?

Duties, hours, etc.

-participate in routine activities of the practice

-typical schedule

           mornings:               reproductive exams, IVF, calf ranch work, or nutrition with one of the veterinarians

           afternoons:           sick cow / emergency calls as they come in (minimal), work with vets on computer records, milk culturing, employee schools, nutrition, calf ranch work, etc.  Plan to deal with your student debt

           nights:                    take emergency calls with vet on duty

           weekends:            free to tour the area, or stay and go on emergency calls

-breakdown of emergency services

                          typical weeknight on-call (5pm-8am):  0-1 calls per week

                          typical weekend on-call (Fri 5pm-Mon 8am):  0-2 calls

                          very few milk fevers (99% of clients treat themselves)

                          primarily: calvings, prolapses, bleeders

Student Housing (include costs, amenities, pet friendly, contact info if different from elective contact info)

-One of the  Dr.'s home, 8 miles from Jerome

-linens (sheets, blankets, towels) provided

-access to washer and dryer

-most meals provided

-personal pets not allowed

John Day
Contact email

105 Country Lane
Jerome, ID 83338
United States

Practice or Institution Type
Is student housing available?
Hours of supervision by a licensed veterinarian per week
45-50 hours/week
Global engagement opportunity
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