Cuddy Farms is a turkey operation that employs their own veterinarian and operates their own internal lab for testing. Cuddy Farms operates approximately 40 farms including stud, grow and breeder farms. We also have a hatchery at our location in Strathroy. The student will be able to gain experience in each aspect of the turkey and veterinary operations.
Cuddy Lab- microbiology and serological testing equipment
Farms- as required for animal care
Cuddy Farms- veterinarian, HR, managers, supervisors etc.
Hatchery- 50,000 poults hatched 4 times a week. Staffed accordingly.
Student will shadow veterinarian, lab staff, farm supervisors depending on their interests and learning opportunities available at the time of visit. The staff veterinarian has her own schedule that the student is expected to be a part of. Hours are approximately 7-3, Monday to Friday.
Housing will be provided.
28429 Centre Rd
Strathroy ON N7G 3H6