Countryside Veterinary Services of the Fox Valley, WI

Description of Elective Experience

Countryside opportunities will focus on preventative veterinary care, urgent care appointments, surgical services, and diagnostic imaging. Client communication and team communication skills will be emphasized. Countryside also offers ntegrative therapies including VSMT, acupuncture, and rehabilitation/conditioning with our under water treadmill. We share a building with Health Veterinary Imaging, an advanced imaging center with a high tech ultrasound and CT machine. One whole side of our practice is dedicated to feline only including a separate entrance, exams and treatment area.

Our production animal client breakdown is 90% dairy, 5% beef and 5% small ruminant. Students shadowing large animal DVM's can expect to partake in routine reproductive examinations and herd checks, individual sick animal examinations, calf walk-throughs, fresh-pen walk-throughs, and herd level consultations. 

Institutional and Educational Resources - staffing, equipment, etc.

Companion Animal Equipment: Digital radiography, digital dental radiography, ultrasound, photobiomodulation (cold laser), ultrasonography, water treadmill, surgical laser

Production Animal Equipment: none. Advise students wanting to practice ultrasound to request loaner from medical imaging companies. 

Student Responsibilities - what is expected of students in terms of hours, days of the week, shadowing or actual support?

Hours vary from 6:30am-5pm, Monday-Friday with optional Saturday morning. Hands-on opportunities vary based on student education level and DVM comfortability. 

Student Housing (include costs, amenities, pet friendly, contact info if different from elective contact info)

We are a Mission Veterinary Partner clinic. Recommend reaching out to corporate for more information on travel stipend opportunity. 

Dr. Zach Hofacker

W3022 Edgewood Trail
Appleton, WI 54913
United States

Animal Type
Practice or Institution Type
Is student housing available?
Hours of supervision by a licensed veterinarian per week
Global engagement opportunity
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