Columbiana Veterinary Associates, Inc., OH

Description of Elective Experience

We are a busy general practice that provides small animal and exotic pet care.  We are open to see patients from 7AM to 5 PM Monday, Wednesday, and Friday,  7 AM to 6 PM Tuesday and Thursday, and 7 AM to noon on Saturdays.  There are no after hours emergencies. 

Institutional and Educational Resources - staffing, equipment, etc.

Our staff includes 2 doctors, 3 technicians, and 6 support staff.  Capabilities include DR radiography, in-house blood analyzers, ECG, blood pressure, CO2 laser surgery, and cryosurgery.

Student Responsibilities - what is expected of students in terms of hours, days of the week, shadowing or actual support?

During the 2 weeks externship the student will be expcted to work 8 hour shifts 5 days per week,  plus Saturday mornings.  Students will mostly be shadowing doctors as they work through their case load.  Hands on experience will be determined by the students capabilities.

Student Housing (include costs, amenities, pet friendly, contact info if different from elective contact info)

Students will be responsible for their own housing and transportation. 

Brian M. Urmson, DVM

41233 Metz Road
Columbiana, OH 44408
United States

Practice or Institution Type
Is student housing available?
Hours of supervision by a licensed veterinarian per week
Global engagement opportunity
Related evaluations