This elective is a faith-based 10-day trip to the rural regions of Nicaragua with a team of peers, US veterinarians, and Nicaraguan veterinary/support personnel. The focus of the student experience is on herd health, the impact of animal health on the community, sustainable agricultural practices/development, and facilitating working relationships between US and Nicaraguan nationals. The student will work primarily with farm animals (ie large/small ruminants, working equids, hogs, rabbits, and poultry) though some canine work may be available.
The sending agency is Christian Veterinary Mission (CVM), 501c3 dedicated to supporting veterinary students and professionals and the communities they serve both domestically and internationally ( Students are accepted into the elective on a case-by-case basis several months prior to scheduled trips. Contact Dr. Moffatt for more information regarding the application process. Valid passport and acceptance into the short-term pool with Christian Veterniary Mission is required.
Staff: 2 US licensed DVMs, 1-2 Nicaraguan veterinary professionals, 2-3 handlers/translators.
Equipment: no diagnostic imaging available, otherwise standard for large animal ambulatory.
Educational resources: (digital texts/eBooks) Standard texts covering surgery, medicine, communicable and zoonotic diseases.
The student will be expected to shadow/assist with/perform veterinary duties dependent on local need and student capability. Duties may include, but are not limited to, deworming, trimming hooves, castrations, treatment of diseases/injuries, developing treatment plans and communicating plans via a translator. The student will be part of a team 24 hours/day for the duration of the trip and a typical work day would be 8am-6pm, though flexibility is essential. Non-work days will consist of discovering local needs and veterinary concerns specific to the region. Beyond veterinary work, the student will be expected to participate in informal rounds at the beginning and end of each day. The student will have 1 non-work day scheduled in the 10 day trip.
Housing is included in the trip fee through CVM. Varies based on location, can be rustic/primitive. No pets.
135 Griswold St
Delaware, OH 43015
United States