Camboro Veterinary Hospital, PA

Description of Elective Experience

Camboro Veterinary Hospital offers the experience of a progressive, well established, (1952) multi-doctor practice. It's doctors have areas of special interest in Wellness Medicine, Dental Medicine and Surgery, Laser Soft Tissue Surgery, Dermatology, Ophthalmic Medicne and Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery including ACL Repair and Compression Plating of long bone fraactures as well as Regenrative Medicine.  The student may choose a general experience or concentrate on a specific area to their liking.

Institutional and Educational Resources - staffing, equipment, etc.

There are seven doctors that are part of the doctor team at Camboro with experience levels ranging from 3 years to over 40 years.  Our Support Team has 4 Certified InpatientVeterinary Nurses and 5 Veterinary Assisstants.  There are 6 Out Patient Veterinary Nurses.  Camboro has a complete in hospital laboratory (Idexx) including the ability to perofrm full chemistries, CBC's, Progesterone, Cortisol and Thyroid levels. A Sedi-Vue performs complete urinalysis with sediment evaluation and ID photos.  Radiology is Direct Digital and includes a Digital Dental machine. There is a modern Diagnostic Ultrasound as well as a Therapeutic Ultrasound.  Interal medicine has fiberoptic GI scope ability as well as rigid rhinoscopy.  Patient monitors include heart rate, temperature, SpO2, ECG and blodd pressure. Fluid monitors on all patients.  Incubators and centrifuges for on site Stem Cell procedures. Tonopen and Panophthalmoscope. Specialized instrumentation. Very large and bright Treatment, prep and surgical areas

Student Responsibilities - what is expected of students in terms of hours, days of the week, shadowing or actual support?

Depending on the area of the hospital the student is assigned there are different responsibilities.  The student typically shadows the doctor.  Cases are reviewed; history, client patient interaction, physical exam, differentials/plan, action.  Student is expected to do physical exams and will be permitted/encouraged hands-on experience with the doctor depening on situation.  Doctor-Client interaction / education is encouraged.  Student will scrub in as part of the surgical team to assist the surgeon as directed. They will also expected to be part of the follow-up.  Typical time expectation is ~40 hours weekly.  Case journals and individual case research is expected.

Student Housing (include costs, amenities, pet friendly, contact info if different from elective contact info)

Student presently resides in our area. In future Camboro Veterinary Hospital would like to discuss this someone with the Ohio State Vet. School Externship Program.

James R Rummel
Contact email

5989 Route 6n, Edinboro
Edinboro, PA 16412
United States

Is student housing available?
Hours of supervision by a licensed veterinarian per week
Global engagement opportunity
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