Buckeystown Veterinary Hospital, MD

Description of Elective Experience

BVH  is a private practice that sees nearly all mammals. Orthopedic specialist works in-house with us. We offer rehabilitative medicine with acupuncture, specialized canine reproduction service including freezing/shipping canine semen and surgical AIs. Students will be exposed to all aspects of the practice, given cases to work-up, shelter and resue animals to spay/neuter and opportunity to ride along on farm animal calls. Two of the DVMs have advanced dental training which they will share during their "dental days."

Institutional and Educational Resources - staffing, equipment, etc.

Five experienced DVMs all with excellent reputations. Rounds 2x/day to discuss all cases. In-house sonogram and digital xrays with board certified radiologist available for sonogram on advanced medical cases. central oxgen, sevo & isoflurane withlarge surgical suite and separate dental suite and equipment. All  snap tests available; full in-house laboratory with microscope for cytologies,etc.

Student Responsibilities - what is expected of students in terms of hours, days of the week, shadowing or actual support?

Students will get out of this experience what they put in. Most students work 40-50 hrs/week spread over the 51/2 days of the week we are open. they will be asked todraw blood, place  iv catheters,run anesthesia machines calculate ivf rates, do exams, make differential lists and plan treatment all with the supervision of a licensed DVM

Dr. Karen Miller

3820 Buckeystown Pike, P.O. Box 5
Buckeystown, MD 21717
United States

Animal Type
Practice or Institution Type
Is student housing available?
Hours of supervision by a licensed veterinarian per week
open 62hrs./week always licensed DVM on site
Global engagement opportunity
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