Banfield - Eastgate, OH

Description of Elective Experience

Banfield Pet Hospital is a small animal general practice. We have a strong focus on preventive medicine and surgery, but we are a full service veterinary practice. Daily preventive care case load includes routine vaccinations, ovariohysterectomy, castration, and dental cleanings. We also care for a variety of illnesses and non-preventive care surgical interventions including, but not limited to diabetes mellitus, gastroenteritis, dermatitis, otitis, mass removals, dental extractions, and cystotomy. Veterinary elective participants shadow their mentor doctor through all aspects of day to day practice. Students work with their mentor to work through presented cases and develop treatment plans. 

Keith Holbrook

650 Eastgate S Dr.
Cincinnati, OH 45245
United States

Practice or Institution Type
Is student housing available?
Global engagement opportunity
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