Auburn University, Emergency & Critical Care Service, AL

Description of Elective Experience

The SA Emergency & Critical Care Service provides immediate evaluation, stabilization, and treatment of dogs and cats with emergent or serious conditions, as well as ongoing care for critically ill or injured pets 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A broad variety of cases may be seen including sepsis, shock, trauma, toxicities, metabolic emergencies, and respiratory failure. We also provide advanced modalities such as dialysis, high flow nasal oxygen, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and mechanical ventilation. Students should be prepared to have weekend and holiday responsibilities.

Institutional and Educational Resources - staffing, equipment, etc.

3 ECC boarded specialists 

6 ECC residents 

7 rotating interns 

21 technicians (8 certified, 4 VTS-ECC) 

vetmed library, textbooks in round rooms, 

Student Responsibilities - what is expected of students in terms of hours, days of the week, shadowing or actual support?

Your responsibilities:

ECC is responsible for receiving walk-in emergencies and referral cases. You will be assigned to a schedule that allows for two days off and a chance to work with a variety of clinicians:  

  • Day shift: 7am-5pm responsible for all inpatients, also sees emergency cases
  • Early swing shift: 12p-10p primarily receives emergency cases
  • Late swing shift: 3p-1a primarily receives emergency cases
  • Overnight shift: 10p-8a primarily receives emergency cases, should start working on ECC inpatients at 6 am (walk dogs, feed, etc)

These times may vary based on caseload. Please refer to the separately attached schedule. ALL students are required to attend CPC unless caseload in the morning precludes it.

The ECC Service functions as a “team” service and you should be familiar with all the cases on the service. Day shift students should assign the inpatients on the service amongst themselves and are responsible for the 8AM treatments/responsibilities. Please discuss your findings and concerns with the primary clinician. Please ask if there are any questions. For ICU cases, please ask the ICU technician for help before beginning treatments.

Patient care is our first priority. You will be responsible for initiating and implementing most patient care plans. Your clinician supervises your work by discussing plans with you before they are implemented. Be proactive. Make plans as if you are the doctor in charge, which you soon will be. Make decisions before discussing the plan with your clinician. 

Student Housing (include costs, amenities, pet friendly, contact info if different from elective contact info)

Can contact Auburn University's CVM mailing list for possible housing opportunities. 

Kendon Kuo
Contact email

1212 Wire Rd.
Auburn, AL 36849
United States

Animal Type
Practice or Institution Type
Is student housing available?
Hours of supervision by a licensed veterinarian per week
Global engagement opportunity
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