The goal of this joint rotation at the Hatfield Marine Science Aquarium Visitor Center (HMSCAVC), Aquarium Science Teaching Aquarium (AQSTA) and the Oregon Coast Aquarium (OCA) is to allow the veterinary student to begin to solidify some of the knowledge and skills required to oversee in the health management of captive aquatic animals. The primary focus of this rotation will be on fish and invertebrate health management, with a smaller portion devoted to birds and mammals.
The externs will work closely with 4 veterinarians under the mentorship of Dr. Tim Miller-Morgan. Dr. MIller-Morgan overseas health management at the HMSCAVC and the AQSTA. He oversease fish and invertebrate health management at the OCA.
We have one veterinary technician at OCA, A hopsital quarantine Aquarist and 1 professional aquarists and two student aquarists at HMSCAVC.
We have three professional aquarists and a facility director atthe AQSTA and 6 professional aquarists, 1 quarantine aquarist, 1 veterinary technician and 1 curator at the OCA.
We have access to hospital facilities, surgical facilities, full water quality testing equipment, Ultrasound and digital radiography, gross pathology lab and a full veterinary diagnostic laboratory with vetrinary pathologists skilled in interpeeting pathology of aquatic animals.
At these threefacilities the student will accompany the veterinarians on weekly medical rounds and will participate in all aspects of daily medical management of the collections including routine, emergency, and preventive health care. The student will have the opportunity to assess and manage medical problems, become familiar with anesthesia and immobilization techniques, and assist in surgeries and necropsies.
The student will also work closely with aquarium staff in general husbandry procedures, laboratory work, and medical record keeping. Our goal is to allow the student to become familiar with the basic husbandry skills required to maintain health populations of multiple species and the varied life-support systems used to provide these healthy environments.
In addition to reading assignments, the student will be expected to complete one of two options: 1) an independent project and a case report or 2) an independent project and a written assessment of overall health management at each facility. The student will be required to present the results of his/her project or case report at a seminar during the last week of the rotation.
Housing information is available via this link:…
Hatfield MArine Science Center
2030 SE MArine SCience Drive
Newport, OR 97365
United States