Specialty referral ophthalmology practice involving out-patient, in-patient, diagnostics, macro- and micro-surgery, ocular ultrasound, electroretinography, patient rounds, subject topic rounds.
5 licensed veterinary technicians, 1 ABVO Ophthalmology resident, ophthalmology, digital image collection, dedicated ERG, 2 ocular ultrasound machines, operating microscope, phacoemulsification cataract, semiconductive diode laser, cryoablation, binocular indirect ophthalmoscopes, slit lamp biomicroscopes, application tonometers
Acquire patient history, perform ophthalmic examination, perform tonometry and biomicroscopy, schirmer tear testing, fluorescein dye, ocular ultrasound, assist in ophthalmic surgery, participate in rounds.
All provided, pet-friendly and welcomed
1300 W. Grand River Avenue
Williamston, MI 48895
United States